
Showing posts from June, 2017

Arabic Alphabet

Arabic Alphabet - Introduction The Arabic language has an interesting history.Who is working for development in an Arab country? it is not easy to read Arabic alphabet. That is why the author created Aramaic language. The originator of Greek and Hebrew languages was also the one who created the  Aramaic language. Brief Introduction to the Arabic Language You can understand by looking at the picture below. The Arabic language is the first language in 26 countries of North Africa. More than 300 million people speak this language. This language has been used in the Quran, and it is also without any mistake. We have two types of the Arabic language. Classic Arabic: -  This form of Arabic has been used in the Qur'an and classical literature. It is different from Modern Standard Arabic. Most Muslims read the Quran in its original language.While many Muslims who can not understand Arabic, they understand the meaning before and read it. Modern Standard Arabic: - Modern Standard Ar