Arabic Alphabet

Arabic Alphabet - Introduction
The Arabic language has an interesting history.Who is working for development in an Arab country? it is not easy to read Arabic alphabet. That is why the author created Aramaic language. The originator of Greek and Hebrew languages was also the one who created the  Aramaic language. Brief Introduction to the Arabic Language You can understand by looking at the picture below.

The Arabic language is the first language in 26 countries of North Africa. More than 300 million people speak this language. This language has been used in the Quran, and it is also without any mistake. We have two types of the Arabic language.

  1. Classic Arabic: - This form of Arabic has been used in the Qur'an and classical literature. It is different from Modern Standard Arabic. Most Muslims read the Quran in its original language.While many Muslims who can not understand Arabic, they understand the meaning before and read it.
  2. Modern Standard Arabic: - Modern Standard Arabic is a language that all Arabic speakers can easily understand it. It is different from Classic Arabic. To write, there is a lot of agreement with the majority of people. It is also used in TV shows.
Basic Facts About The Arabic Alphabets

  • This language is very much different from the English language. It is too difficult to understand also. In the English language, there are 26 alphabets while Arabic Contain 28 alphabets.
  • There are 5 types of sound when speaking but very tough to understand them. In the English language, we do not use these sounds anywhere.
  • In English, we start to write anything from left to write while in Arabic we do opposite of this. we started right to left in it.example:-
                                       In English,                        (This is my new pencil box)

                                       In Arabic                          (هذا هو بلدي مربع قلم رصاص جديد)

  • In ordinary language, we can say that as in the beginning of the English language the uppercase letters are formed, sometimes in the Arabic language, sometimes in the middle.
  • The letters of the Arabic letter are almost joined together, whereas all words in the English language are different.
  • In Arabic, it is also difficult to understand in the beginning that where the word starts and where the end is finished.
  • Different steps of language have been made to understand this, which makes it easy to understand.
Learn Arabic Letters And Alphabets
If you want to study the Arabic language. then you have to start from the beginning. You can understand some by the chart given below by me. If you understand this chart well, then understand that you have got a knowledge of Arabic language to a great extent.

Arabic Alphabet And Pronunciation
The Arabic language which can be used in Arabic is written in both handwritten and printed Arabic. Many of these people have exceptions whose example is crossword puzzles and hints. These also do not meet Arabic completely, whereas, in the Quran, the exact Arabic is seen. You can see hints in the below chart:-

Arabic Alphabet Table And Chart
The only emphasis is on the only thing in Arabic that the letters should be small.Although no script has been shown in opposition to big pronounciation letters, it is still emphasized in the Arabic language that the letter is small. Arabic is very winding. It is not equivalent the English language.There is a word  Alif in the Arabic language, Which does not have any sound of its own. While the English language has a character "A" for which 'Hamza' has been used in Arabic.

To get more information about Arabic alphabets in details you have to visit here.


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